LVJILI is a leading reputable bookmaker in Asia today. This is a bookmaker licensed to gamble in Costa Rica.
The content in today’s article will help you know more about the content of the privacy policy at this reputable bookmaker.
A brief introduction to the privacy policy at Lvjili
LVJILI is a betting address and attracts a large number of players today. With the aim of ensuring the best interests of users, this bookmaker has built general regulations on privacy policies for players when participating here.
This policy at the bookmaker is applied to all accounts registered to play on Lvjili website. And regardless of whether the account is new or has been playing for a long time, players must comply to ensure the best interests.
For each player, personal information is extremely important. When participating and using Lvjili website, you will not need to worry because this house is always committed to absolute confidentiality of customers’ private information.
When players access the website for the first time, they will allow the website to use cookies according to the security content at Lv-jili. Similarly, each time the player accesses the website, they will allow the use of cookies.

Collecting personal information of users
When experiencing Lv-jili website, there will be some personal information collected, stored and used, specifically as follows:
- Information about the device used to log in to the website. For example: IP address of the computer, phone, location. Or it is able to be the phone’s OS and browser version.
- Information about the use of the website, for example: access time, pages you have viewed, links you are directed to access.
- Some information that the player himself has entered on the website system.
- All comments you leave on the website, including: Facebook name, Facebook image and comment content that the player posts publicly.
In case you use this website with other people’s personal information, you must have that person’s approval. Lvjili will not be responsible for your unauthorized use of other people’s personal information on this website.

About changes in privacy policy
In fact, the privacy policy can be changed at any time to suit. Every time there is a change and update, Lvjili will make a notification on the website system. Therefore, each player should regularly visit the homepage to quickly grasp the changes of this policy.
About third-party websites
Currently, on Lv jili’s website there are links to third-party websites. For third-party websites, the content related to security will be decided by them and LV JILI is not responsible.
As a player, you must keep in mind cautiously earlier than having access to the link to a third-party site. Because this means that you have exceeded the scope of information security of the bookmaker. These websites often have their own privacy policy and you click on it, you agree to that policy.
About the use of cookies
Lvjili’s internet site uses cookies each time you log in, whether it’s far a short-term cookie or a long-term cookie. Regarding long-term cookies, the player’s information will be stored on that website’s browser until the cookie session expires or is deleted from the login device.
As for log in cookies, they may expire if the browser is closed or player logs out. Lvjili’s website will use both types of cookies. Therefore, gamers can relax confident that cookies are only a number of encrypted series and do not include or show any person’s identity.
Lvjili’s cookies are committed to only serving the following purposes: using the player’s cookies to provide to third parties, specifically Google Analytics, Google AdSense and Facebook Pixel.
After use, you can delete the cookies stored on your device and should not block them because blocking cookies will prevent you from accessing or using many features on the website.

Privacy Policy on Disclosure of User Information
Players’ personal information will be disclosed by Lvjili in the following specific cases:
- There are written requests from competent state agencies.
- Limit and prevent player fraud, protect the rights of other players and reduce credit risks.
Lvjili’s privacy policy is absolute and has the intervention of competent authorities. Therefore, when players participate at Lvjili, they can have absolute confidence in the policy and security factors. Contact the 24/7 customer care team.